Baba speaks at Mahalaxmi Temple: The Mahalaxmi Temple at Honor Oak Park, London, presided over by Sri Bankim Gossai, recipient of the honor of "Order of British Empire" welcomed with love Baba Shuddhaanandaa and devotees from Trinidad who built the temple, listened with rapt attention his nectarine words of wisdom. This is Baba's second visit to this Holy Shrine dedicated to Laxmi Narayana and other Deities of Hindu Faith. Baba said, It's all in the mind, happiness or unhappiness these are nothing but states of mind, and it is very much up to us as to what kind of mindset we create, for we only reap the consequences of our actions and thoughts in our life. The simple art of spirituality is, to grow in consciousness, so that you are conscious of your thoughts and actions and you take complete responsibility to set right your attitude to life and always be positive and faithful to the divine. He exhorted the devotees to be cautious about their thoughts and actions for they can create either bondage for them, or can lead them toward ultimate freedom. He said, there is no greater help than Self Help. it's only when we resolve to improve our life, by following the path of truth and love, forgiveness and tolerance, patience and perseverance, that we see the flowering of the seed of divinity that we all carry in our hearts. The audience was virtually mesmerized during the course of one and a half hours of Baba's lecture. Paying rich tributes to Baba's tireless work with the poor and underprivileged on the streets of Calcutta and in the remote villages of Sunderbans, Gossai ji, said, Baba Shuddhaanandaa personifies the teachings that so effortlessly flow from his mouth, which brings to life the holiest of the Hindu Scriptures in the language of the the modern times of rationality and practicality. He only wished, with all the other the devotees present at the Temple, that Baba should return to this Temple very soon for a series of lectures on practical spirituality for not less than seven days.

Gossai ji honors baba: Bankim Gossaiji, on behalf of all the devotees of Mahalaxmi Temple, honors Baba Shuddhaanandaa with a beautiful scarf as a sign of respect. Baba accepts it bowing with reverence.

Baba at Greenwich : Sri Shuddhaanandaa addressed the gathering at the Greenwich Temple in London on 2nd July 2011, where he spoke to devotees belonging to one of the oldest Hindu Temples of UK, on the Simple Path of finding peace and happiness in life. He led the group in to a silent meditation and also discussed at length about the simple things that every individual needs to keep in mind in order to first manage his/her own mind before one steps out to manage the minds of others. He said, happiness is not something that you can get by demanding it from others, but by sharing your inner sense of contentment in life with others first. Give before you ask, is the motto one should follow in life to see the beauty and beatitude that life offers, he said. The President of the Temple, Dr. Madhu Baksh, introduced Baba to the audience with the words, that with due respect to all the Swamis and Mahatmas, this simple saintly person brings to us a message which is fresh and new, practical and scientific. He indeed is a Saint with a difference. She promised to all the devotees, that next year when Baba comes back to London, she with the help of all others, organize a very big gathering at the most prestigious auditorium in London so that many youth and true seekers can listen to his practical approach to religion that transcends all dogmas, and sectarianism.
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