4 February 2012
I am on my way to our oldest project in Sunderbans, the islands where we have been working since 1989, Bijoynagar Gosaba,My heart is filled with joy as we are going to distribute monthly financial support to 72 old and destitute women and men who have none in this world to help them when they are physically incapacitated. This is the Sunderbans ahead as seen from the boat.

The Old Mother breaks into tears expressing her gratitude while receiving the pension, Do we feel the same gratitude to God?
Old men and women listen to baba as he speaks to them before handing over the Cash support every month, a new Project of Mission for supporting the old and destitute in Sunderbands, Gosaba Project. — at Sunderbans, WB, Gosaba.

This old man brings this garland, and says "I am so happy to day, you have brought faith back into our hearts, into our life, we are ever grateful to you"!

This old man is paralytic, can't lift his head any more, i was in tears to see the pains and sufferance, can we not do something each day to remove the pain of another soul?

This blind boy while receiving the financial support tells me "i am blind", i ask all present, you all have eyes, but do you see? We have eyes, but we don't see the Truth, the reality, The Divine. I told the boy "try to see with your inner eyes, the Presence of God that is true seeing"

Let us pledge to breathe faith in another soul during the course of each day as our reciprocation to God's infinite Love.