Baba spoke at several other venues when he was in the US. One of this messages wherever we went is: we all have thought attacks that lead to heart attacks. We are always unconsciously thinking, thinking, thinking. This makes our cellular bodies unhappy and leads to stress which creates heart attacks. If we dwell on the body we purge it of its impurities.
He told the audience that we all tend to look for gifts from God rather than worshipping God and giving God gratitude for what we already have. Humans are restless and are always asking “What next?” We engage in materialistic pursuits versus spending time with God. Our exerting mind is always over-reactive and worried about what we have to do, do, do. We were never taught to relax without external props, material things.
Meditation is being conscious of what you have. Count the Gifts from God before you surrender. When you find the inter-connection between you and the Divine, God dawns in you. God will chase after you. Worship the Divine of your heart. Then open yourself to the Lord, say “I surrender”.